Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The waiting continues

Kauri had her Dr. appointment for her wrist.  The x-rays looked good.  The Dr. was kind to her, and just put her arm in a splint, so she can shower and not have to worry about a big old cast.  He said it was like a cast, and to be treated as a cast, but no cast!  YEAH!  We were at the Dr. all morning for this... more patience!
Now, about the PICC Line.  We have NO idea what is going on.  Kauri is eating a bit (not much, her tummy can't handle too much) and a little bit of low fat, but her lipase levels went up 300 more, back up to 1074 from 735 (the normal is under 220 - her highest was 2 1/2 weeks ago and it was 1452) and her amylase went up and it never was above what it was supposed to be and now it is over.  So it's very frustrating.  She feels good for the most part, but gets nauseated and pain at times, too.  We haven't figured any of this out.
All we know is the pancreas is a very moody and angry organ.  It doesn't like to be touched, bumped or hit.  And when it is, it likes to make everything miserable.  I guess when you break a bone, we cast it, and keep it still and it heals.  The pancreas is an organ, and when it's hurt, it still has to keep moving, it can't keep still, so while it's trying to heal, it lets everything know.  And Kauri's is very angry.
So tomorrow it's back for a CT Scan on her tummy to see what's going on.  So we have no idea of anything now.  It's almost like when she came home from the hospital and we had no idea.  We are very good on changing her TPN and Lipids now, though.  And Kauri continues to be patient.
Her hand is free!  She got to wash her hand for the first time in 25 days!
It still was dirty from the accident.
Notice good ol' Marty's tubes still by her side.
Marty even beeps her name regularly.  He's getting way to attached to her!


  1. Having had both im not sure if i should rejoice on the no cast or say sorry. :D haha I've had a better time w/ the cast than the splint. But i also have finger mobility. Hmm. Well Yay for things looking good! :D Ya know?

    Love You!


  2. Oh CrYsTaL,
    You make me laugh. I am so glad that everyone is different.
