Thursday, August 18, 2011

Drinking that clear liquid

Well, drinking clear liquid hasn't been as nice for Kauri as we all hoped.  She can't drink very much.  It bothers her tummy, but she's not throwing up, so that is good.  So she hasn't drank very much.  They showed us her stomach in the ultra sound, and it's collapsed, so it's not very big, and can't hold much of anything.  So really, she's gone from being hungry, to still being hungry for food, and a bit more stomach problems.  But things like this take time.

She LOVES that she can chew gum!  That has brought the biggest smile of all.  Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream gum... Key Lime Pie gum... Orange cream pop gum...  I'm sure there's more out there.  Actually, she'd probably be happy with old fashioned Doublemint or Juicy Fruit.  She loves having flavor in her mouth!

She woke up with a head cold today.... so we'll keep her smiling with gum.

She's still happy, sweet Kauri, being ever so patient!

1 comment:

  1. Well at least one of us can enjoy gum! :D haha So glad you are making improvements. Love you!

