Saturday, September 24, 2011

School and homework

Kauri has been working hard trying to keep up with her homework, now it's nice to have her get this homeschool thing all worked out.

She has a great home Seminary teacher, Brother Sheffield who comes on Mondays. Even mom learned something while hanging out during home Seminary. so until Kauri can get to school it's all working out pretty good for her.
Kauri and Brother Sheffield

Kauri's Homebound teacher came. She was really helpful and nice. She was awesome. Her name us Mrs. Chamberlain and she is a math teacher at Viewmont. 

With Mrs. Chamberlain
Doing Homework with Kylie, Kauri's niece.

If Kauri keeps doing good with her homework, she hopes to get a big Barbie coloring book! --- really.


  1. She isn't able to go to school anymore? :( How did those tests come out? Love you Kauri! the Bruderers

  2. Lucky you get Chamberlain! She is my favorite! Glad things are going well. I hope you get your coloring book. Looks super fun! :D haha Love you.

