Thursday, September 8, 2011

Marty stays... for a while longer.

Kauri's levels went down almost 150, to 1202.  She's eating a bit, and now can pick up low fat, but Marty stays for a while longer.  Good ol' Marty, he's grown very attached to Kauri.  He beeps her name when he's low on batteries, when she's unhooked for anytime, or when she's twisted him around.  It's funny how we are all sensitive to beeping now, whether it's our refrigerator left open, the dishwasher or the washer done, an alarm at a store, someone backing up on a scooter, and so many other "beeps" we all think of Marty for a quick second, wondering what's he needing attention for now!  It's been really funny at times.  Especially when Kauri is having her 6 hours off, and she doesn't even have Marty!
Kauri and Mom have spent many hours and had many good talks driving to Dr's, appointments .


  1. Will you miss Marty someday soon when he's no longer part of your life? I think you might... Then you'll just have to name your first child Marty to always remember all those good times you had together. :)

  2. Love the good news Kauri, keep up the healing!!!

    Kathy Gilbreath
