Monday, October 24, 2011

Hanging in there!

So slowly but surely, Kauri had gotten the okay from each dr to go ahead with basketball. Today we went to our Family Dr to get her sports physical. It was supposed to be quick tip ended up talking longer. While we were waiting we thought a flu shot would be good. So after that, and the visit with the Dr. Mom asked him about this bump on Kauri's leg. It had been there since the accident. Mom and Annika had cleaned most of the road rash and got rocks out of it. But still this one scar looked weird. Kauri said it was no big deal, that nothing was wrong. The Dr. Started scraping and heard weird scratching. It was glass! It wouldn't come out so he grabbed the nurse and needles and they preformed a little glass-ectomy. :). But the little visit turned into more stuff. Kauri is such a good sport. We didn't get her labs done because we had to rush to the school to get her homework turned in. They gave her a lot more!

Kauri has had fun getting out a bit. She went swimming with the family over UEA

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